Contract audit by Hacken/Certik
AptosMoon (APM) IDO & Public Token Launch
Aptos ecosystem engagement
Get trending on DexTools, Poocoin, Bogged Finance
Post launch Marketing campaign
Featuring on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko,Watcher Guru, Dappradar, etc.
Partner with Aptos ecosystem projects (DEXes, Oracles)
Mainnet Release of AptosMoon DEXl & Aggregator.
NFT Game Testnet release for Beta Testers
Chainlink VRF integration
Run advertising campaigns with other media partners
Deep Dive article featured on CMC and CoinTelegraph
Cooperate with Gate NFT, Huobi NFT to launch AptosMoon first INO
Staking, Voting, Launchpad V1
AptosMoon NFT Game mainnet release
Deposit and In-play Betting
Cooperate with PR Firm that helped more than 1000 tech companies such as Celsius, Bancor, Waves, etc.
Launch 1st Incubated Project on AptosMoon Launchpad through Marketing & Community Support activities
Releasing first AptosMoon Metaverse experience