Token Allocation
Initial burn - 29%
AptosMoon will burn 29% of the circulating supply in the first time of burning and all the burning address will be publicly announced on our channels
IDO - 10%
We will sell the $APM IDO for whitelist and public sell on our website. Please check the website for more details of time and price.
Airdrop - 1%
These airdrops event will contribute to the marketing strategy hosted by AptosMoon and our partners to attract early-users and spread our brand-awereness.
Staking reward - 10%
The incentives for $APM stakers and holders who trust and ready to go with AptosMoon in a long term
Transaction fee - 10%
Holders' reward - 3%
Auto liquidity - 3%
Pump and burn wallet - 3%
Marketing & Development - 1%
Last updated